Our Logo
PRODUCT SCHOOL logo has 2 versions, square and horizontal.
We prefer to keep the PS icon part and the text apart most of the time. We use the reversed version of the logo when placing it on a darker background to keep things black and white
Our Name“PRODUCT SCHOOL” is two words, spelled with Capitals on all letters
The brand uses standard letters for the website url for consistency with normal practices in url display: productschool.me
Our primary colors are Black and white. We use a Black accent for improved screen use. Colors can be reversed for darker backgrounds
A friendly legal reminder that these graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws
PRODUCT SCHOOL aims to build education and relationships to help users be more creative and productive with the products used in everyday work and life, we do this by providing a bridge to the product creators, masters and guru's using a hands on human first approach.
We welcome people who have a interest in our goals and would be very interested in talking to anyone who is able to provide support or is needing our help, education is a two way endeavour.
Blog, article, editorial or web content featuring our name should be first discussed with PRODUCT SCHOOL.