Focused on Speed & Productivity

The world invests millions of dollars on technology every month to improve our life in one way or another and in some cases that technology is difficult to use.

We have on-boarding, documents achieves and even chat-bots to address these clearly defined learning needs.

As the power of the internet becomes more influential we loss the power of human interaction as our most powerful tool in the education process. Try to reach someone at Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for a friendly customer service chat.

"Can your mum use it" has become a phrase which both make senses and is senseless; not every task can be so simple to complete and this just passes the issues onto the designers and developers.

We must educate our users who desire to use technology. We can improve both areas of work and life and we must provide them with the place to do it just as we entered school to the learn the skills need to succeed.

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Search Results
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355,000,000 results in a Google search with some of the most respected names in journalism, media and technology understanding we must educate users to understand need a product exists.

Teach users how to use a product has more references at 441,000,000 results.

People want to talk to people and learn from a person.

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